The Big Nerd Ranch Swift - Ch.22 Silver Challenge
There is no description of challenge. Becaouse of license.
When I use a header “class someName…” in code block for some code, that means the following code is within the scope of the class named ‘someName’.
I made the findAll function that takes two arguments. First One is elements in which we find Second one. I go though all elements and compare that element is equal Second one. And if it is, push it in findedIndexs. (foundedIndexes)
And then I go though all items in stack whether item is valid in closure.
func findAll<T:Equatable>(_ elements:[T],_ elementToFind:T) -> [Int] {
var findedIndexs = [Int]()
for (index, element) in elements.enumerated() {
if element == elementToFind {
return findedIndexs
print(findAll([5,3,7,3,9], 3))
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