The Big Nerd Ranch Swift - Ch.19 Silver Challenge

less than 1 minute read

There is no description of challenge. Becaouse of license.

When I use a header “class someName…” in code block for some code, that means the following code is within the scope of the class named ‘someName’.

I added maxLengthOfLabelForColumn func in TabularDataSource protocol to calcutlate max lenght of label of each column and use it when calculate padding

protocol TabularDataSource {
    func maxLengthOfLabelForColumn(column:Int) -> Int

 let paddingAmount = dataSource.maxLengthOfLabelForColumn(column: j) - itemString.count

 /// implementing code in department struc
    func maxLengthOfLabelForColumn(column:Int) -> Int {
      let extraPadding = 3
      var result = columnLabels[column].count

      for person in people {
          if person[column].count > result {
              result = person[column].count
      return result + extraPadding


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